Iris Herring has seen it all working in a group home. There is pain – with parents who put their own wants before their children’s needs, or kids who can’t see their own worth and potential. But there is also purpose, resolve, and love.
Children come to our group homes when they’re in trouble at school, or running away, or involved in drugs or gangs. They stay for six to eight months, and it is Iris’ job to help them and their families plan for what’s next. How best to get these kids back home, using what they’ve learned, without the bad influences or toxic family dynamics that caused their problems in the first place?
After 27 years in direct care, Iris will retire at the end of August. You can read some of her thoughts and memories here – and please leave her a message at the bottom of the page!
On children we serve:
They need love, just like everybody else. They need to know that you care.
They need discipline. And even though they pretend they don’t want the discipline and the structure – they really do want it. We can hear their conversations in the home. They want somebody to care enough to put a rule down or put some structure and discipline down.
They also need the truth. We found out here they want you to tell them the truth. Whatever it is.
They need to know that you won’t give up on them. No matter what they do, we will always be there. We will not give up. Because a lot of them feel like, “I messed up.” We say, “We’re going to work through this. You’re going to have a consequence; however we are still not going to give up on you.” They need to hear that.
On families we serve:
[Iris works with children and Everybody is the same – they have needs, just like everybody else. They want their children to succeed, just like everybody else.
A couple of favorite memories:
Thanksgiving meals, with families gathered around the table all saying how thankful they were.
And the Easter egg hunt and family fun day – watching families team together to have fun. No one out there is wearing a label, and nobody is worried about who has an offense. It’s just people, just pushing through – trying to get the last seat in the musical chairs. Because they would push you down to make sure they got the seat at musical chairs – it was serious! Then the children in the bounce houses. And grandmamas losing their wigs when they raced in the goofy-wear race. Everybody was laughing. The grandmamas too.
Staff Jeannie Norris March 25, 2021
Thank you, Quinten — I will let them know you wrote. I hope you’re doing well! –Jeannie
Quinten blue March 25, 2021
I used to go here mrs.Iris was one of my favorites and she really was the soul of Methodist home her and mrs.Bonnie miss them very much.
CECELIA A MIDGETTE November 10, 2020
Hi Soro
Thanks for teaching me how to be a great FSS like you. I learned a lot from you about the youth and their parents. I will miss our conversations and having you a phone call away for questions, advice or just to vent!! You will be greatly missed! Thanks for all you do and be blessed!!
Iris Dawson October 23, 2020
Ms. Iris Congratulations!!! on your retirement and a new chapter on your journey call Life. May God Bless!!! you.
Pam Patrick October 21, 2020
Thank you, Iris! It is people like you who love on these families and give them tools to succeed that make me to proud to work here. I can’t even imagine how many lives you have touched. I could hear the passion in your voice when you explained your job to me when we were in my car. You are a blessing! Enjoy your retirement.
Dennis Jones October 13, 2020
Ms. Iris I am still kind of new here at MHC but to read over the thoughts that you have in relation to the better of the population we serve, I do commend you for all you have done and may your future endeavors be blessed also.
Robyn King August 24, 2020
Thank you Ms. Iris for being the what so many of those children needed. God Bless you and your retirement.
Suzanne Wrenn August 20, 2020
Thank you and may God bless you in your next chapter of life!
Rev Cynthia Nickerson August 20, 2020
I do not know you personally Ms Iris but you serve and love on children and for that I want to say, Well done, good and faithful servant!”
Sandra Best August 20, 2020
Thank you, Ms Iris for your dedication to these children that needed you so much! Have a blessed retirement.
Michelle Kennedy August 20, 2020
Ms. Iris,
I had no idea you were getting ready to retire! You were a part of residential in 1997 when I started and I clearly remember coming down to the Robeson home to do supplemental! You were a gracious, compassionate, prayerful soul then and still are today. When you crossed over to work in foster care we met up again and I loved working with you then too. I always enjoyed seeing you at agency trainings and meetings. I pray that you can enjoy retirement in good health and good times with your family and loved ones. You will be missed for sure!!
Tracy August 20, 2020
Thank you Ms. Iris for all you’ve given to the many children who needed you and for the sacrifices you made in order to nurture them. May your retirement continue to be full of God’s blessings.
Hawse Regina August 20, 2020
Ms Iris, how do we say goodbye to someone who has been our constant? Thank you for your love of children and families. Thank you for your help and prayers for those who needed it so desperately. Enjoy your well deserved retirement. We will think of you often and it’s really not goodbye, only until we meet again. God’s grace and peace will follow you all the days of your life.
Much love,
Regina Hawse
Juanita Staples August 20, 2020
Thanks you for your hard work and the love you showed to all of the children you had the honor to work with. You are truly a jewel.
Jean Porter August 20, 2020
Thank you to Iris Herring for her devotion to the children.